Create App AI Generated App

Current version of Create App AI support generating apps that adhere to following:


Apps that use relational database as datastore using Prisma to talk to database.


  • Table : Shows list of records as HTML Table.
  • Card List: Uses Card to display a record in a responsive view
  • Kanban Board: Uses card to display a record, and cards are arranged in columns with support for drag-n-drop between columns.
  • List Detail: Uses a split two column (side-by-side) view to display list of cards in left column and select card/record details in right column. UI is responsive and collapses to individual view on mobile.
  • Detail: Form View is used to show record details. Form View by defaults show two fields per row in a responsive design. You can arrange component layout using darg and drop Visual Editor.
  • Dashboard: Shows individual components, arranged in a masonry grid view.